بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Q1 What are your objectives of your jihad against the Russians?
A1 To raise the word of Allah and establish Islamic ruling everywhere. This is the only road to Paradise.
Q2 What is the importance of the Shatoi region to the Mujahideen?
A2 The Shatoi region is a large strategic region for the Mujahideen It is a central point relatively behind the front lines of fighting and is used to launch attacks in other regions.
Q3 As the commander of the Mujahideen in Shatoi, Sharoi-Argun, Atmikily, and Tembly, what is your estimate of the Russian losses over the last two months (since your appointment as a commander)? And what have been the Mujahideen losses in comparison?
A3 Since arriving at the mountains about two months ago, 50 Mujahideen have been martyred. We ask Allah to accept them all amongst the winners in their afterlife. As for the Russian losses, they are approximately 1700 killed and the destruction of 15 armoured vehicles, 5 Helicopters, and 1 Fighter Jet. Because of the mountainous nature of the region, the enemy primarily used either foot or paratrooper infantry in their advances. This is the reason why there is minimal loss in Russian equipment. Please note that these figures are only for the mountainous regions.
Q4 The Russian generals have been announcing for sometime now that they will control the mountainous regions including Shatoi in a matter of "few weeks". What is your response to these announcements?
A4 They have been making these announcements since the 1994 war. As a matter of face, they once announced that they would control the area in a matter of hours or two days. The fact is that since our arrival here, they have been attempting to advance in the Deber-Yurt region, the gateway to Shatoi. Praise be to Allah, they have not been able to take one metre. Even if they were able to advance past the two mountains in Deber-Yurt, there are many more in their way that, Allah willing, they will not be able get past.
Q5 Can you talk about the last operation against the Russian forces in Shatoi.
A5 The enemy has been continuously attempting to advance through the mountains. Praise be to Allah, they have failed in every single attempt and we have always been able to stop them. The last operation that took place was an attack on the 58th Battalion command center for three straight days (19,20, and 21 of January) using the Mortar artillery. Praise be to Allah, as a result of the continuous bombardment, the entire battalion was forced to retreat.
Q6 Are your jihad operations limited to the Shatoi region?
A6 Allah willing, it will never be limited to the region. At this point we are starting the highly mobile guerrilla warfare as well as mining the roadways of the enemy forces in all of Chechnya. A number of regiments have already been dispatched to carry on these tasks. Allah willing, we are also determined to carry on large-scale attacks against enemy positions in cooperation with other commanders of the Mujahideen
Q7 What do you urge your Muslim brothers outside Chechnya to do?
A7 First and foremost, I urge all Muslims to fear and love Allah, the All-Mighty. Do not fear anyone except Him. For He controls all actions and results. Regardless whether our enemy is larger and better armoured. Finally, I thank Allah, lord of every world.
Main Commander of Shatoi, Ramzan Ahmadov, Friday 28 January 2000.
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